98 sunfire if anyone still looks at these


Active LVC Member
May 6, 2007
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my girlfriend came home and her key wouldn't turn completely back to come out and she forced the key out of the ignition... i put the key back in and drove the car to my garage and figured out the original problem, the button on the gear shift was stuck in, i pulled it out to the correct position and now the key will not turn out of the off position, i have tried moving the steering wheel, wiggling the key around and wiggling the shifter with no luck. the little bit of info i could find also suggested to spray the cylinder with wd40 but beyond that i dont know if it could be some kind of anti-theft measure or a problem with the gear shift. just trying to find out everything i can try before having to replace the cylinder any advice is much appreciated
Sounds like she did some damage to the ignition switch when she forced the key out.
I would call a dealer and ask WTF and see what they say.

I hate them F'n cars.
My GF has a 97 SE.
I am always working on that POS.
If I had the money I would sell it in a heartbeat and buy something else.

When they hit 100K they fall apart.
if your girlfriends car ever has the same problem pm me. i've found a way to remove the cylinder easier than any of the methods i've read about and it can still be driven rather than having to have it towed to have it repaired or to calibrate the new cylinder with the anti-theft system

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