2000 continental - inner tie rods


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 12, 2011
Reaction score
Central Fl
Is it true that I have to remove the whole rack just to replace the inner tie rods?
Please tell me there is another way around this...
No you do NOT have to pull the rack to change inner tie rod ends. Its not that bad of a job. Work on the left side first and turn the steering wheel all the way to the right. Take off outer tie rod at spindle. Remove the straps that hold the boot to the steering rack, then slide boot off assuming you removed the outer tie rod. You will then see the big nut holding on the inner tie rod to rack. I forgot what size the nut is, but go to parts store and look at one and measure it. I took a wrench at work and heated it with torch and bent it 90 degrees at the open end. Put the open end on big nut then use big screwdriver on closed end and unscrew it out. Turn wheel to left and do right side. You will not be able to buy the factory straps to fasten boots back on so you will have to use zip ties. Realign when done. Randy
Thanks Randy! Response is much appreciated!

However, The tie rods were too tight and wouldn't budge so I had to take the hard way out. After I stopped cursing and throwing wrenches..... then cursing some more, it wasn't that bad. and I use the term 'not that bad' very lightly. I guess in my mind it was just much more of a bigger job than it turned out to be. I hated the idea of dropping the engine craddle the most but I survived it... so far... One of the tie rods had bad threads and the adjusting bolt wouldn't start so I was unable to put it back together today. Tomorrow is another day...
you can buy inner tie rod wrenches or rent them. And you can get the metal bands to put the boots back on properly. You have to use a banding tool on the metal straps.
Thanks but The inner rods weren't budging. They used Thread Lock and there wasn't enough room, I tried everything, even a pipe wrench.

Everything is put back together and had the alignment done today. Drives straight and beautiful! I reused the metal straps with no problem, its not the first time I have been able to reuse them.

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