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  1. F

    Trump for President!

    I think I'll necro this thread just for giggles. Nice call!
  2. F


    :rolleyes: Nothing you write is accurate or truthful.
  3. F


    Happy MAGA New Year, folks! By the way, I've been running a conservative website with 500,000 pageviews a month since February. Check us out at By the way...I TOLD YOU Trump would be President!
  4. F


    Yep Trump is the deus ex machina to the GOPe problem.
  5. F


    Say it with me: President Donald J. Trump
  6. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end, a uniform and well digested plan is requisite: and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent on others for essential, particularly for military...
  7. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    It's amazing that you don't see the rank hypocrisy in your comment. You wail about the 'spirit of the establishment clause' but then you demand that the LITERAL words in the 2nd Amendment be ignored. I've brought this double standard to your attention already in this thread, and you blatantly...
  8. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    Although this quote is bogus, you are incorrect that I have a 'habit' of doing this. Nice try, though. Exit question: Are these quotes 'bogus?' Obama 2008 - "I Am Not Going To Take Your Guns Away, That Just Ain't True" - YouTube Barrack Obama On Gun Control and Second Amendment - YouTube
  9. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    It's an illogical response. Nothing proposed will work. Out of tens of thousands of background checks, only a handful are ever actually prosecuted. Telling doctors to ask patients if they own guns? I've posted plenty of facts, he's posted opinions. You are delusional. Try reading the...
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    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    Nothing in there about Hollywood's violent movies or violent video games. Also, why not just outlaw murder?
  11. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    I own an AK-74 and several other guns. I've never done anything like that. Nor have 99.9999999% of the rest of the gun owners in this country. But it's clear that you have an emotional basis for your hatred of guns. It's sad that you can't see the issue objectively, but it's not...
  12. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    "Hysterical" vs. "mild" - talk about a 'loaded question'...thanks for showing your true colors again, hypocrite...
  13. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    You still don't understand the issue yet. It actually isn't about a desperation to just do something, in the minds of the Democrats. It's political opportunism; by exploiting this tragedy they can get guns banned. They don't give a rat's arse about the dead children. Furthermore...
  14. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    No, it really isn't. You're a legend only in your own mind. You don't even understand paragraphs. Too bad your opinions don't possess any facts, though. Makes your entire worldview nothing but a fiction. Also, it's notable that you failed to even address any of my potential solutions for the...
  15. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    Oh puh-leeze. You wouldn't even HAVE an opinion in this thread without having read or heard it somewhere. You wouldn't know how to properly research the gun culture if you wanted to. Your entire tone in this discussion is mocking and pejorative, yet you whine about others being...
  16. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    What does 'detuned' mean? Is a gun a musical instrument now? You are ABSOLUTELY IGNORANT. It is the LEFT who changed the definition, not us. It's the left who ADDED the term 'assault' to semiautomatic rifles in an attempt to include them in the 1994 ban. Prior to 1989, the term "assault...
  17. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    False. That is NOT the pro gun argument. That is a classic STRAW MAN argument. You continue to demonstrate that you do NOT UNDERSTAND THE GUN ISSUE. Congrats. Hey genius, there is no such thing as a semiautomatic assault rifle. Second, semis have been available and prolific long before the...
  18. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    I already asked him why he hates black people. He won't answer. Speaks volumes, no? :rolleyes:
  19. F

    Feinstein going for another gun ban

    [/B] See the hypocrite contradict himself. :lol: