2003 lincoln ls overheating situation


New LVC Member
Nov 10, 2007
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HI, the other night while driving my LS, the check engine temp message came on, fan kicked on and the needle was almost to H !! not a good feeling!! I pulled over quickly turned her off let it cool down. After that the temp read normal and hasn't acted up since. Could this be a thermostat stickin possibly???? If anyone could help me with diognosing this problem i would deeply appreciate it thanks....:eek:


One thing you can be sure of...this problem will occur again. It sounds like your radiator fan got stuck or didn't kick up to the higher speed and then kicked in. I'd check the radiator fan...it could have been obstructed (not likely) or it could be going bad. It also could possibly be a thermostat that's starting to stick. You could remove your thermostat (about a 30-minute job....1 hour if you're not mechanically inclined) and put itin a pot of boiling water and see what temperature it starts to open up at and what temperature it is fully open at.
I know the feeling my 02 did the same last month i removed the t-stat and all was well until it got cold them i got a low temp warning so if you remove it and that turns out to be it i highly recomend replacing it
my 03' V8 did the same thing. then it drove fine. took it to get looked at and they said nothing was wrong.
it's been acting fine now,i ordered a thermostat just to be on the safe side?
nice ride by the way,love the black on black. Question do you think your car performs better with the k&n system you have ??? where can i buy one !?
shouldnt be fan if runs hot while moving since you have airflow over radiaitor
probably thermostat stuck
00 overheated

yeah my 00 v8 ls overheated all year since spring.
literallty no bs at least 150x, but not really overheating. the gauge would shoot from 1/2 up on the temp gauge(normal) to 3/4 and on occasion past to redline which would trigger engine lights, reduced power mode etc. this would only last a minute or two and once per ride- one going to work one going home, but towards the end of summer it would happen may two three times a ride. i took it to my local mech about 5 times and he couldnt diagnose it cause of course it wouldn't overheat. anyways l story s two thermostats later still nothing still overheetin. reluctantly took it back to ford $2000 later it seems to be running fine. hasn't overheated in a month. they changed
fan, fan motor, expansion tank bubble i think they called it(rad expansion tank) thermost, antifreeze, oil change ac filter. i hate ford, ill prolly go back to japs.
2003 Overheating LS

First check the coolant level in the degas bottle. You will lose a small amount over time due to evaporation. Air bubbles passing by the CHT sensor will give a indication of rapid overheating and rapid cool down,

Second check that your degas bottle is not cracked and leaking. You will have a wet spot behind the front drivers side wheel on the ground if it is. Also check or replace the degas bottle cap. This must hold the proper pressure.

Third replace the thermostat. Very easy 30 minute job. Pretty cheap part too.

Be aware that the CHT (Cylinder Heat Temperature) Sensor can sometimes go bad and indicate a overheating condition when the car is not overheating. A bit more involved/costly in it's replacement.

Does the engine actually overheat? Pull over and pop the hood and check. This will give you a better idea if it's a sensor or really overheating.

Finally-Have you done ANY cooling system maintenance? Even with the long life coolant from the factory a 2003 LS is now due for a flush and refill anyway! When doing this I always replace the thermostat as well.

Be SURE and use the proper coolant!!! The LS does NOT use the green stuff. I would get the proper "gold" coolant from Lincoln. There are some after market substitutes but make sure it meets the requirements!!
Another thought.

If you have to much antifreeze in the system the heat transfer will be lower than normal. Try less antifreeze and more water. Water conducts heat better. I use a product call water wetter, really cools down temp.
water wetter really does work i had an 88 yugo that ran hot from day one,around 220. had the radiator taken apart, cleaned, still hot, new thermostat, still hot! saw this stuff called water wetter at oreilys, bought it tried it, the car ran around 195-200, til the day i took it to the crusher, i loved my yugo couldnt bear too see someone else drive it that and the frontend was shot pushed a strut through the tower and hood jumpin it. 1 30 pack of bud + 2 rednecks+ 185 acres+ 88 yugo gvs+ a bobcat [for a ramp building machine] = too much fun for one poor little yugo :drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

So my 2005v8 overheated ... tstat was sticking ..replaced it An a few hoses got a coolant flush An proper coolant in (used car who knows what they had before) oil change same time ) oil change place said they bleed the line right but now IF MY HEAT IS NOT ON 90 ....my hydro fan will turn on all levels are fine cars not over heating coolant is not running at any bad levels ... messing with the car aliitle at the shop we rev'd the motor with the heat off An the fan turned off with us reving it .but when idle again for alittle fan would turn back on he unhook the sensor trying to say it was a bad sensor but after him reving the motor An the fan turned off in leaning for there's air in the system ....please help !!! Don't want anything bad happening to my baby

So my 2005v8 overheated ... tstat was sticking ..replaced it An a few hoses got a coolant flush An proper coolant in (used car who knows what they had before) oil change same time ) oil change place said they bleed the line right but now IF MY HEAT IS NOT ON 90 ....my hydro fan will turn on all levels are fine cars not over heating coolant is not running at any bad levels ... messing with the car aliitle at the shop we rev'd the motor with the heat off An the fan turned off with us reving it .but when idle again for alittle fan would turn back on he unhook the sensor trying to say it was a bad sensor but after him reving the motor An the fan turned off in leaning for there's air in the system ....please help !!! Don't want anything bad happening to my baby

1. Either you have a 2nd gen LS (2003-2006) with an electric fan, or you have a 1st gen (2000-2002) with a hydraulic fan. Which is it really? It can't be both!

2. What sensor are you talking about? If you are talking about the CHT sensor and you removed it, it can't be reused and must be replaced.

3. You must fill and bleed it exactly like this: 2006 Lincoln LS Workshop Manual
(This assumes that you really do have a 2005, which has an electric fan.)

4. Most think that they are an exception to this, but I don't know anybody that is so far. You have to replace all the cooling system plastic parts, and you can't use Dorman or other aftermarket. Use Motorcraft or Jaguar parts. Here's the list: GenII LS8 Cooling System Overhaul
Note that your symptoms match well (including the fan operation) for a cooling system that has air trapped in it. The air comes from micro cracks in the plastic.

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