The INSIDE STORY of Lincoln, and what is happening!


Active LVC Member
Oct 15, 2005
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New York City
I manage a component manufacturing company that produces parts for medical, consumer and the automotive industry (not FORD or Lincoln). I was recently at a supplier symposium in Tucson Arizona and the VP of Procurment from FORD in Hermisillo Mexico was there looking and vendors for a myriad of components. They are having a hard time getting a good supply of some items.

He stood up in front of 400 persons at a Hoilday Inn and said; "...we are the future for FORD Motor company...soon we will have that capacity to do 4000 cars per week and only FORD trucks will be left in the USA...and by 2010 it will all be you suppliers want to grow with us in Mexic or not"!

For the next two days we saw nothing but Ford, Lincoln, Mazda, Jaguar and all sorts of people talk up this plant in Hermisillo.

I remember the Lincoln guy saying that "soon" several Lincolns will be made there in Mexico and that there plant in Wixom will not close besure of all this off shoreing and they do the GT 40 and they will get a truck or van to replace the Lincoln production going to Mexico.

We went down and toured the plant. Its megalithic in size and scope. Everyone there is just biting at the bit to close more USA Ford plants to fill up the place! The whole thing is a rip of TPS (Toyota Production Systems) and cheap labor and a plant 100% dedicated to three running gear lines all being front wheel drive. They can do a Fusion, a Mazda, a Lincoln Zephyer a Ford 500, and on and on! They claim that by 2008 they will have 6 seperate cars coming off three lines!!

The week after the tour I went and bought a new 2005 LS Ultimate, just to get it made in the USA and to "help" out Ford and its employees a bit.

The following week I read that the Wixom plant where the LS is made will probably close with the end of 2006 production.

And that Engineer from Wixom that touted how good the Hermisillo plant was....he is GONE, in the last round of layoffs he was jettissoned!

The Ford model is: front wheel drive, off shore manufacturing, minimal running gears and cheap labor. But of course a Lincoln Towncar will still cost $49,000-$55,000!
From what I understand, Mexico isn't looking as attractive as it once did.

The labor pool is shallow, and even then it's tough to keep people coming in to work. The culture is different - we live to work. They work to live, and then don't go to work when they have enough money.

Ontario is booming right now for auto plants, Honda is looking hard at London On., which will be it's 3rd plant in Ontario. Toyota has just started building a factory for it's Rav4 in Woodstock On., which is it's 2nd plant in the province.

I think Ontario is supposed to have over 11 sererate auto assembly plants. We're the future for car manufacturing.
We have a bigger hispanic work force in the states than we can probably get in mexico, but we have to pay more here lol.
The USA still has the most productive workers in the world. If you put them out of work there will no more market in the USA. Offshore jobs till you go out of business you idiot MBA's.
But you aren't dealing with the unions in Mexico...and that is worth a ton of money to Ford. Flame away if you like...but it is the absolute truth.

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