Stuck CD in gen 1


Active LVC Member
Jun 20, 2013
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After I bought this car 2 months ago, I had an issue with the CD player. it would say "no" after pushing the CD button. so I stopped the car, went into the trunk, ejected the whole 10 CD holder, plugged it back in, and it would work.
When driving down the hiway, I went over a bump, and it quit working again. so I had a spare holder from my 98 CE from 12 years ago, lying around, so I loaded it up, put it in, and it worked fine for almost 2 months.
Well, it finally did it again, and now I can not eject the holder. it won't come out. is there another way, possibly manually, to get that thing out of the deck? I know I will probably have to replace the deck, but I have to get the CD's out first. So if anyone gas a good working CD player, I would be interested. Thanks for the help!
First take out all the cd's from the holder
Then reinsert make sure the grabber inside lines up with the holder too
I have had this problem before I dont exactly remember what it did though.
No, I can't, the holder is stuck in the CD player. that's what I'm trying to get out. the holder, with the CD's in it.
Take the player out and take it to the bench. Remove the cover and remove the stuck disk. Check the soft rubber bushings that hold the laser so that it floats. (4 ) I found 1 disk too large and warped. Then in the classified area see if anybody has some players for sale. ( I bought 2 spares)

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