LVC Holiday Meet?

Sorry to hear Rich... We understand, enjoy the time while you can.

- Show up anytime you want after 2pm (It's completly up to you as to when you show.)
- Food will be out around 6 or so.
I will be providing Little Weenies and meat balls. If everyone would bring something to
snack on/share that would be greatly appreciated.
- BYOB!! There is only one place in town to get beer and beer only.

I was thinking about ordering pizza and splitting it. There is a Pizza hut 15min away or a Casey's in town.

Pm me if you need my address or want my cell number...
Look forward to seeing everyone.
Bad News ... my mom just had a heart attack on Sunday ... she's doing OK but I'm going to visit her more this coming weekend. She's 75 years old ... need to make the best of the time I have her yet. Sorry guys ...

no need to apologize for that Rich. you have our thoughts
It went well. Had a great time. Thanks everyone for coming and hanging out.
Wish I could have been there, too. See you at Carlisle, and if not there, the 2012 beach party :)
Sorry I couldn't make it ... but it was worth going to visit my mother ... she's doing well and things ended up not being as bad as they could have been ...
Sorry I couldn't make it ... but it was worth going to visit my mother ... she's doing well and things ended up not being as bad as they could have been ...

Thats really good to hear.
sorry i couldn't make it, had national cyclecross in madison, see ya at 2012 beach party, ill be married

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