Well lefty, your Marin County excitement was not the only display of Biden voters. They were a lot of their counterparts all over the country displaying their intelligence- Oakland, Long Beach, Miami, New York City, and I'm sure other places too. Joe will no doubt try to manipulate his Israel/Gaza messaging to try and placate as many of them as he can prior to November. A number of them will succumb to his ploy when crunch time comes, hoping to defeat the "Orange Menace" and thereby defend Democracy (the flavor of the month DNC talking point).
I do not "disdain" all college educated people. Only the ones who took out huge loans to go to very expensive colleges, get worthless degrees, and them whine for someone to pay off the loans. As a college grad myself (SSU), I went to class with a lot of fine, hard- working people doing it the same way as me- full time job supporting my family and going to class 3-4 nights per week. I have also worked with many fine people who were grads during my work life.
But I will also state that I received just as much education early in my work life from apprentice programs with Florida Power & Light (Power Plant mechanic, Power Plant electrician), training that was just as valuable as the paper hanging on the wall. OJT can also be just as valuable.