Nuclear arms reportedly found in Iraq


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
I dont know how accurate this is.......................BUT-

[size=+1]Nuclear arms reportedly found in Iraq[/size]


BAGHDAD, July 21 (UPI) -- Iraqi security reportedly discovered three missiles carrying nuclear heads concealed in a concrete trench northwest of Baghdad, official sources said Wednesday.
The official daily al-Sabah quoted the sources as saying the missiles were discovered in trenches near the city of Tikrit, the hometown of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
"The three missiles were discovered by chance when the Iraqi security forces captured former Baath party official Khoder al-Douri who revealed during interrogation the location of the missiles saying they carried nuclear heads," the sources said.
They pointed out that the missiles were actually discovered in the trenches lying under six meters of concrete and designed in a way to unable sophisticated sensors from discovering nuclear radiation.
[/size]See the rest here:
I hope thats true it will help prez bush win 04 and even if it isnt who really cares, I just wanna say I told you so :N
That would make for quite a turn of events...I am sure we will know in the next few days, as no news channel will pass this up!
give it a day or two and we will know if its fake
MarkOfDeath said:
I hope thats true it will help prez bush win 04 and even if it isnt who really cares, I just wanna say I told you so :N

hehehe... same here :D
I for one hope this is NOT true. Because if Saddam had gotten a hold of nuclear missiles or had them produced, then chances are there are many other countries hostile to the U.S. that have them as well. This would be a nightmare scenario if it turns out to be true.
Yeah the Iraqi Security Forces finds it, we have been looking for 20 years plus with the BEST possible group of technology and these clowns just find it? BS, Propaganda galore.

We planted it.
no offence, but I HIGHLY doubt that nukes are like planting a "bloody glove"... I'm 99.9% sure experts would be able to tell where/how/when they were made

and it's not like they just stumbled upon them either (IF it's true) they were supposidly lead to them by a former baath party member.

Frankly... If the brits, congress, and the Bush administration were that confident in the beginning that Iraq had them... I don't see us planting them, or maybe my views are just jaded :confused:

I mean, even the most sophisticated equipment isnt going to pick them up, if they were burried under 6 meters of concrete. Not to mention Saddam throwing inspectors out whenever he felt the need and not letting his scientists leave the country for interviews. Obviously something fishy has been going on there for a while now... I know I wouldn't put it past the guy *shrug*
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If it is true John Kerry's job just got that much tougher. :give :Beer :L
why do you deserve a beer, you just agreed with what a said, people are abusing the give me beer smilie.

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