WTB McLaren Grill


Active LVC Member
Jan 4, 2011
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Hey fellas, like the title says I'm looking to buy a McLaren grill in new or like new condition (comestic paint damage is ok as I'm sure I will need to get it painted anyways. Let me know, Thanks.
speaking of mcLaren grills, I build grain dryers, and the outside sheets are perferated stainless steel sheets and we get alot of scrap pieces, Im gonna try and make a grill like the old McLaren grills with it, hopefully it turns out
"Lol good luck"? If I had that attitude I wouldn't have a lot of the things I do.
Just purchased one from a member one here! Can't wait to get it painted and installed.
Yeah I guess I should probably just bitch and whine about it if I can't find a part that isn't super common instead making an attempt to find it.
not sure where the bitching and whining is, but hey, you seem to have a good handle on things, so i'll take your word for it...

Oh, and most of us are constantly looking... I even have a good idea who still own's them on here (including the one Alex butchered), and who's in the process (still) of trying to replicate them.... But hey, who doesn't know this right! I'm sure you do too... So get on that high horse buddy... Im sure if you believe, you can achieve...
I like how I'm the one on the high horse, yet I'm not the one commenting on threads when I have absolutely nothing to add to them. I'm not really sure why a WTB thread has lasted five posts after the part has already been found and bought.....but your the expert I guess, since you know everything that goes on in this forum. I guess you got me good sir, so you can go ahead and stop wasting my time replying to this thread. Another internet victory for you! I've really been taught a lesson today!
"Lol good luck"? If I had that attitude I wouldn't have a lot of the things I do.

I guess that's why its lasting... But your right, no need to continue.... Congrats on the find!! cant wait to see it and your LS..

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