Rear tail light housing trick to replacing bulb? Or is it just cracked?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 15, 2011
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The issue I am having is I replace the bulb, it rains, and a little bit later (10-30 minutes) the bulb pops. First time around I thought it was a defective bulb so I replaced it again. A couple weeks go by and today I am driving it in the rain and it pops again. Only seems to do it in a heavy rain.

So, is there some ninja trick to replacing the bulb that I am just missing? I replaced the drivers side at the same time I did the passengers side and it's been fine since. Just the passengers side keeps popping.

At the moment I'm thinking the housing is cracked somewhere and I just need to replace it.

I have pulled the housing and looked it all over and can't find any cracks or splits or voids which is why I'm asking. Before I throw $70 at a new tail light is there something simple I could be over-looking?
check the harness... could be a short around the body... id suspect moisture in the housing if that was an issue.
Any chance the light is actually filled with water? Mine had a leak. When I hit the brakes, the water sloshed forward and hit the bulb. I tried to find the leak source with no luck whatsoever, even when dunking the light. I guess it could be the socket seal. Regardless, I drilled a small hole at the bottom of each corner and haven't seen any water after that
Interestingly, my 2002 had cracks with water both sides. Dealer stated it was common, but I never replaced them due to cost at the time. They actually developed a dark coloring line at the bottom (1/2 inch) where water collected. As I was shopping, I looked for this, and saw several with it. Fortunately, my new 2001 doesnt have it.

Probably due high heat in environment, my 2002 spent half its life in Las Vegas.
The issue I am having is I replace the bulb, it rains, and a little bit later (10-30 minutes) the bulb pops. First time around I thought it was a defective bulb so I replaced it again. A couple weeks go by and today I am driving it in the rain and it pops again. Only seems to do it in a heavy rain.

So, is there some ninja trick to replacing the bulb that I am just missing? I replaced the drivers side at the same time I did the passengers side and it's been fine since. Just the passengers side keeps popping.

At the moment I'm thinking the housing is cracked somewhere and I just need to replace it.

I have pulled the housing and looked it all over and can't find any cracks or splits or voids which is why I'm asking. Before I throw $70 at a new tail light is there something simple I could be over-looking?

I have this exact same issue with the passenger side. I think its a Tampa thing. WTF?
Had a similar problem with my passenger tail light on my 2001, started out drilling tiny holes to let the water out. Once I actually found the crack I sealed it with some silicone and its been good for the last year.

Best of luck!
I had the same issue, the crack was at the perimeter,I sealed it with silicone.
I guess I'll just invest in some clear silicone sealer and put a bead around the joints and see what happens. Still sounds better then $70+ for a used tail light or $150 for new.
is there water in the housing though?

It doesn't look like it. I've literally pulled the housing out 45-minutes after the bulb popped and didn't see any water. Guess it's possible it evaporated or drained by then. They also didn't look fogged up.
sorry I didn't take POP as exploding... I guess a short would just leave it on... Just seems there'd be evidence of moisture if it was that bad (I guess a leak in the perfect spot could).
I wonder if it would be worth an experiment? Leave the bulb on for a few minutes (out of the assembly) and then drip one drop of water on it to see if that is all it takes.
Yeah, I'll probably try the garden hose idea. The bulb was literally shattered. Half of the bulb glass was in the socket, the other half was in pieces in the tail light. Had to sit there and jiggle the tail light for 10 minutes to get all the pieces out.
Yeah, I'll probably try the garden hose idea. The bulb was literally shattered. Half of the bulb glass was in the socket, the other half was in pieces in the tail light. Had to sit there and jiggle the tail light for 10 minutes to get all the pieces out.

Exactly the same scenario here. When you figure this out please let me know. Thanks!
I replaced one light, it was totally cracked and melted.



Are you sure that your brake light switch isn't sticking? You're not one of those that left foot brake are you?
Are you sure that your brake light switch isn't sticking? You're not one of those that left foot brake are you?

some times i had to replace the bulb when i realize the problem. I had no time to buy i newone(usedone in good shapae,minor details) until a pal made a trip and brought me the light.

-I'm not sure if it was sticking, but some times i touched the housing lights and it was unusual hot ,that was how I noted the cracked one, the other side is in good shape as far for some darkness spot result of water leak into(now dry and sealed).
Are you sure that your brake light switch isn't sticking? You're not one of those that left foot brake are you?

Only when I'm driving like an ******* cause RACECAR! :p
fabrizio, that is melted damage from the bulb not being seated correctly, it wasn't turned in 100%, popped loose and leaned up against the plastic, then when you run your brakes the bulb gets twice as hot and slowly begins to deform the plastic housing at the connector base. Bulbs go in and turn tight on a gasket, anything other then that will result in melting plastics over time. (bulb leans or gets too close to plastics)

Have you ever tried holding onto a brake light bulb that has been on for a little while? ... I'm talking about the double filament bulbs ... they get real hot from brakes activated.

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