Look what arrived on my front doorstep today? KENNE BELL!!!



Yep, thats right. It is a Kenne Bell 2.2L for the 4.6 SOHC GT. This will NOT be going on the LS. It will be going onto my 2003 4.6 SOHC Explorer. The bottom end of the engine will be built with billet parts through VT engines and the 5R55W tranny will be built by Level 10. There are many other specifics to mention (Xcal2, BA2800 MAS, etc.), but I dont want to bore anyone. This is a fully custom installation so it wont be an overnight type of deal, but it should prove to be a fun one!

On a side note that is another supercharger you see there. It is a Powerdyne XB-1A (gear-driven) head unit with some other goodies that should be finding its way under the hood of the LS before this time next year. It is rated up to 18 lbs boost, but I will only be running it at 6 lbs due to the weak bottom end/high comp ratio of the DOHC 3.9's.

Once everything is said and done the Kenne Bell should be making right around 600rwhp on the Explorer (sleeper) and I will be happy with about 350rwhp on the LS with the XB-1A.


Kenne Bell 001.jpg

Kenne Bell 005.jpg

Kenne Bell 006.jpg

Kenne Bell size reference.jpg
Looking good. I used to own a mustang so I'm on those boards a lot. I know MPH(modular powerhouse) is turning out some sick mustangs. There's actually a guy out of Houston who had his 2V there recently. Puts down 700+ rwhp on a race tune. i believe thats using a paxton, tho.

here's a shot of a different 2V 700+rwhp using KB

Dead President said:
There's actually a guy out of Houston who had his 2V there recently. Puts down 700+ rwhp on a race tune. i believe thats using a paxton, tho.

Yeah I think I know who that is. Thats the fella from Steen Racing if I am not mistaken, right? Badass centri setup to be making 700+ rwhp!!!
rocket5979 said:
Yep, thats right. It is a Kenne Bell 2.2L for the 4.6 SOHC GT. This will NOT be going on the LS. It will be going onto my 2003 4.6 SOHC Explorer. The bottom end of the engine will be built with billet parts through VT engines and the 5R55W tranny will be built by Level 10. There are many other specifics to mention (Xcal2, BA2800 MAS, etc.), but I dont want to bore anyone. This is a fully custom installation so it wont be an overnight type of deal, but it should prove to be a fun one!

On a side note that is another supercharger you see there. It is a Powerdyne XB-1A (gear-driven) head unit with some other goodies that should be finding its way under the hood of the LS before this time next year. It is rated up to 18 lbs boost, but I will only be running it at 6 lbs due to the weak bottom end/high comp ratio of the DOHC 3.9's.

Once everything is said and done the Kenne Bell should be making right around 600rwhp on the Explorer (sleeper) and I will be happy with about 350rwhp on the LS with the XB-1A.


sweet, but dammit, you got my hopes up for a kenne bell for the ls
rocket5979 said:
On a side note that is another supercharger you see there. It is a Powerdyne XB-1A (gear-driven) head unit with some other goodies that should be finding its way under the hood of the LS before this time next year. It is rated up to 18 lbs boost, but I will only be running it at 6 lbs due to the weak bottom end/high comp ratio of the DOHC 3.9's.
...and I will be happy with about 350rwhp on the LS with the XB-1A.

rough idea on the pricing for the ls job?
The bottom end of the LS really isn't weak. It is actually quite stout for 3.9L. The big problem is the transmission. IIRC, it's rated for ~350hp at the crank. Then there is the high compression......
00ls-sport said:
rough idea on the pricing for the ls job?

I have the head unit from a previous project vehicle. The bracketry will all be custom fabbed by me and then I will send it off to be powdercoated.

Head unit $1800 (nowadays, not when I bought it)
Xcal2 $300 (depends on what GB's you may get in on)
Pro-M 80 mm MAF $300 (got it a while ago but I think it cost me that much)
32 lb injectors $250 (try to get used older Cobra injectors for cheaper)
KB Bap $??? (Only if it ends up being needed)
and possibly other stuff I am probably forgetting
LS4me said:
The bottom end of the LS really isn't weak. It is actually quite stout for 3.9L. The big problem is the transmission. IIRC, it's rated for ~350hp at the crank. Then there is the high compression......

Yes it is. Any stock non-forged bottom end, especially with hypereutectic pistons will not be strong. They dont need to be, they only need to take a 280 horsepower beating, not much more. Throw boost into the picture with the occasional bad gas and you got a timebomb. That is why a person really has to look at an LS engine, or any other like it, as having a weak bottom end; because it is for the aftermarket modification world. Factor in the high compression which lends well to nitrous but not well to boost and you got an overall very sensitive application. It will need to be approached correctly the first time so as to prevent catastrophic failure. The transmission will take more than 350 hp, especially the TBW vehicles as the tune can take quite a bit of torque out of the mix when shifting the tranny. JDM is doing this very same thing with the 2005 Mustang (P-tec computer and 5R55 tranny too). The trannies are weak, but there are ways to tune around it (band-aid). Another good thing will be the it is a centrifugal setup, and not a PD (roots/twin screw) supercharger that makes lots of power down low where damage will be more likely to occur to the drivetrain.
Well, we have 10.75:1 or so (or is it 10.55?) on the LS's engine...From what I remember, the CR is around 9.1:1 or so...So while we're at a disadvantage...they pump 13 PSI @ 9.1 to 1...so I dont see a problem with 8 PSI or so at 10.5...I think we'll see Quik's doing around 390 - 400 crank hp (312 - 320 ish at the wheels)...Hopefully more, but even still thats 80-100+ hp more then what we start with....

Hey rocket,

I don't know a 600hp Explorer goes against the character of the vehicle. This vehicle is for carrying families and groceries. j/k
It seems like an awesome project, I used to have an explorer so this would be a nice build to see.

Midas78 said:
Hey rocket,

I don't know a 600hp Explorer goes against the character of the vehicle. This vehicle is for carrying families and groceries. j/k
It seems like an awesome project, I used to have an explorer so this would be a nice build to see.


Your right to a degree. It does go against its normal character, but not against its class. After all, Explorers dont have much class; unlike Lincolns! Heck, most people call them exploders (bastards! hehehehe j/k). Now if I were to put a 4 foot wing on the back of it then whatever class the Explorer had, would be ruined (I think that goes for any car). ;) lol. Thanks for the nice words. We will see how everything turns out.
mdrobnak said:
Well, we have 10.75:1 or so (or is it 10.55?) on the LS's engine...From what I remember, the CR is around 9.1:1 or so...So while we're at a disadvantage...they pump 13 PSI @ 9.1 to 1...so I dont see a problem with 8 PSI or so at 10.5...I think we'll see Quik's doing around 390 - 400 crank hp (312 - 320 ish at the wheels)...Hopefully more, but even still thats 80-100+ hp more then what we start with....


The 00-02 LS's had 10.55:1 comp and the 03+ have 10.75:1 comp. Which vehicle are you referring to for the 9.1:1 compression? I believe that Quik's project will go smoothly for a few reasons. The first being is that he seems to know what he's doing, and he also has planned accordingly. He isnt shooting for the stars in terms of boost/power which will allow the stock rotating assembly to hold up to normal conditions. I am sure he will have it dynotuned in detail to as to prevent any lean conditions or spark timing problems. Some others may not be as careful as Quik is being. That is the X factor in it all that will directly dictate total success or a blown engine in this type of sensitive application. A low boost application on these vehicle is just what the doctor called for. I just happened to have an extra centrifugal head unit laying around from a previous project, so I will use that. I also like the quietness of the centri versus the roots. The powerband is also more gentle which I like for a daily driver. All of those are merely personal preference of course. Different ways to skin a cat. ;) All projects will have their advantages and their drawbacks. It depends on what the person wants out of it.
I own an 03 cobra, so I like the torque ;-)

I was referring to the Jaguar S-Type R...Dunno how I missed that. I thought I had typed it, apparently not.


I was finally able to find the time to start the Kenne Bell project today. So far I put a decent dent into the project. I forgot my digital camera at my fiancee's place so I don't have pictures which kind of sucks.

I have everything off the top of the engine and am prepping the head unit to go onto the heads soon. So far everything looks like it will fit but time will tell. The engine really looks deep when the intake is off and your staring at just the heads.

A few things I can mention that I encountered so far were the tons and tons of different vacuum lines and tubing running into and out of the upper intake plenum. Allot more than a regular Mustang GT! ECT(engine coolant temp) sensor is in a totally different location than on the GT. That will require me to pull the one out of its stock location and plug the engine block. The stock fuel rails should work fine but I will have to install a 90 degree fitting where the Schrader valve goes so it will not hit the boost bypass unit that will be directly above it. Thats all I can think of for now.

Tomorrow should find me attempting to break my back while hoisting that heavy monster onto my heads while not straining anything on me or crushing anything on the X.



Sorry fella's I have been slacking on the updating of this thread...

Update Day 2:

Well day 2 was fun, I wasn't able to find the time to work on it till after my bro came in town.

I finished prepping the Kenne Bell head unit and also deleted a few things.

First thing I deleted was the EGR system which includes the EGR tube coming from the passenger-side exhaust mainfold, EGR solenoid front mounted on passenger-side head, the DPFE sensor which was mounted on the back driver-side of the original intake and the EGR sensor itself which I made a plate to block off which went onto the back of the upper plenum of the supercharger.

I also deleted the dual knock sensors that our Explorers have. You can see them in my pictures with the intake off, they are the two black things in the piston valley there. After those and the DPFE and EGR were off; I electrical taped over the ends of the connectors real good for a weatherproof seal.

The bosses that the knock sensors were mounted in will stick way too far into the area where the intercooler will sit. They will need to be ground flush to the flutes in the block. The new coolant tube that goes from the water pump, underneath the intercooler and out the back of the piston valley area will be a PITA and I reccomend that you ensure that it is touching the bottom of the valley for its entire length and centered except the back part which curves up. Special bending and fitting will be required.

My brother helped for a little while but then was too tired to help. I had to heft the heavy thing into and out of the engine bay more than 5 times all by myself. I am getting pretty good at it and it sure makes things easier when I am sitting inside the engine bay! hehe. I do warn people that if they try this that they be careful as it is a very heavy and awkward object to be lifting around.

Another relevant piece of this project is all the vacuum lines that you will see as compared to the normal Mustang GT's. My advice there is to really take a look at where things go and where they come from and soak in where things are located and then tackle it all from there. I also believe it to be pretty much mandatory that when disconnecting all lines that you label them in as much detail as possible as to what sensor they came off of.

Well enough of my blabbing. Here are the pictures and video from day 2. Enjoy...

Kenne Bell Project Day 2 Video




Update Days 3-4:

I started tackling the COP's, vac lines, and heater lines the last few days along with some of the idler pulley, clutch fan delete, and alternator relocation stuff.

There are a few things worth mentioning that were noticeably different from the Mustang kit installation yet again. First and foremost is that our alternator will not work with the clutch fan with the way it all has to mount(not enough room). No problem, I was planning on going to a dual electric fan assembly anyways. So I ordered some Flex-a-lite 210B's to keep this thing cool.

Now that cooling and spacing was out of the way I decided to mock mount the alternator anyways to get a feel for how much space I would have. Turns out that our alternators are cocked the wrong way to work with the relocation bracketry. It would be a fairly easy fix to fab some bracket extenders but since the auxiliary electronics like the engine fans, possible pusher fan(if overheating occurs later on), and IC fans need more amperage than I believe our stock 130 amp alt can put out I opted for a custom built 170 amp alternator from PA-Performance with the wire upgrade kit as a bonus.

Now I get to what has so far been the biggest PITA of the project thus far. The vacuum assembly. As far as I know there aren't any detailed blow-aparts of the engines or engine bays of our Explorers so things went meticulous and slow. I will keep it short by saying that ALLOT of vac lines got deleted with the EGR/DPFE deletes and some were added and Tee'd with the boost bypass/FRPT/PCV and so on so forth. If I do ever decide to start offering these in an Explorer kit form I will definately reconfigure the vac, boost, heater, and IC stuff to make it easier on us! Whew!

On a few more positive notes. It looks like the front drive accessories will line up perfectly. No nosedrive modification needed at all going by the test fit and eyeballing. Another great thing is that the Kenne Bell will easily fit under our stock hoods with tons of clearance left over.

TB and IAC went on in a few minutes. Too bad the TPS and IAC harness connections will have to be lengthened. I hate electrical work! Another thing I noticed is that our TPS reads .75 ohm's when closed instead of the 1.06 that it is supposed to read according to KB. Being that I know the truck is programmed to run off of the setting from the stock TB I transferred the TPS over to the new TB and set it back to .75 ohm's. All stock throttle and cruise control cables went on without modification or problem.

The following pictures have allot of hoses routed everywhere but once I get things worked out and everything is perfect I will be ordering all blue hosing and prettying things up under the hood. I would still really like to be able to fit the stock engine cover on top of the KB to keep its sleeper look. With all the clearance i don't foresee that to be a problem.

Still waiting for JLT CAI, PA-Performance Alt, and the Flex-a-Lite Fans...




Well that is the latest update so far. My paid leave from work ended today so I will not be able to put allot of work into it for a while now. Hopefully I will still be able to finish it by the end of the month by just tinkering here and there.
That's some nice work. Two comments though. One, with the elimination of the EGR, you run a higher risk of detonation. I would reconsider that if possible. Second, contact Jim Belle about the knock sensors. The 01 Cobras have the same problem with the block mounts for the sensors...they have to be cut off. However, on their Cobra kit, they relocate them to the cylinder head. You might want to investigate that. But since the 03/04 Cobras come supercharged from the factory WITHOUT any knock sensors, you may be able to tune around that. Who's going to tune it for you? Don't rely on a canned tune....
2001LS8Sport said:
That's some nice work. Two comments though. One, with the elimination of the EGR, you run a higher risk of detonation. I would reconsider that if possible. Second, contact Jim Belle about the knock sensors. The 01 Cobras have the same problem with the block mounts for the sensors...they have to be cut off. However, on their Cobra kit, they relocate them to the cylinder head. You might want to investigate that. But since the 03/04 Cobras come supercharged from the factory WITHOUT any knock sensors, you may be able to tune around that. Who's going to tune it for you? Don't rely on a canned tune....

I deleted the EGR because it was too much a PITA to work around. It also simplified the vac line routing process. I wont run a big chance of detonation being that I will be going to the dyno as soon as i finish the install. I totally deleted the knock sensors and will run without them. The supercharger noise will have a good chance of interfering with them anyways so it is best to tune around them and make sure I get good gas. Tuning around the EGR/DPFE delete and the knock sensors will be a piece of cake. James @ RWTD has already sent me some good tunes to get me to the dyno. Depending on when he comes back to my area I might wait till I can get some time with him to do my wideband dynotune also or just take it to Bob Kurgan @ Kurgan Motorsports.
Dead President said:
or you could always make the trip to Tim at MPH!

Hehehe, why would I want to make a trip all the way from northern Illinois way down to MPH in Georgia?
rocket5979 said:
Hehehe, why would I want to make a trip all the way from northern Illinois way down to MPH in Georgia?

it's all in the tune:) which he has a reputation for, just a recommendation
Dead President said:
it's all in the tune:) which he has a reputation for, just a recommendation

MPH has a good rep, but I assure you there are others out there that have just as shiny of reps as they do and are much closer.

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