insurance question


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 4, 2007
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hey whats going on everyone its been awhile since i been on but i wanted to simply kno is there a way that if i owe tickets for my car in ny can i sell my car to someone in PA and they register it will the tickets pop up because i cant sell the car to anyone out here in ny because the tickets show up on the plate number but im guessing since its a different state it should go thru:cool:

Picture 029.jpg
How about you just pay the tickets?

Anyone should still be able to buy the car, its just more of a process to get it registered.
You racked up 2k in traffic citations?

Well I dont know what to tell you, you should be able to still sell the car privately. I hope you use the cash to pay those tickets.
yea over time i jus nver paid them but someone told me if i get P A insurance the tickets would not show up
if you have violations, then it follows you through every state, im assuming your license is suspended with 2000 bucks worth of tickets, so your registration would also be suspended, you could sell the car to someone if your car isnt registered, as long as you have the title
Hi union Ihought your car was reg in NJ. My mistake. I do wish you well in trying to resolve this. Good Luck
yo ls my license is good, they jus wont let me insur the car becasue of the tickkets that were caught on the plate but i surrendered the plate already so when i tried to put insurance on another name the vin on the car said the car owes nys parking tickets so im thinking since i got a quote from allstate under a P A address i can slap insurance on out there wit out a problem.....2 people said i can most likely get away wit it but i dunno i came here for extra reassurance
the tickets were bull:q:q:q:q for examply missing front plate i got 8 of those yea 8 its sad i kno i kno but im a little older and more mature now and im jus looking for a way out until i find another trucking job to pay the nys off
lol and I'm the Golden Douchebag and even I haven't been awarded with any tickets or violations. Been pulled over 3 or 4 times but only for peeling out of the driveways. Just been given warnings since I told police "I'm not used to driving a RWD car" or "My tires are worn and have no traction right now but I'm getting new tires this week" :p
i kno quick ls for a long time im surprised he made that comment and for the tickets i was 18 and didnt give a crap but now i do cuz i seen the consequences lol anywayz i jus called allstate and they jus sold me a quote for 74 bucks a month 570 for 6 months so im going to take a ride out there thurs to go to dmv and they told me i dont have to change my license to pa cuz i told them i go to college out there lmao hehehehe i also used a freinds dorm address:cool: :D :cool:
u jus mad i got over u hater hahahahaha i pay 74 bucks for my lincoln a month lol anymore haters please ur welcome to post,,, if u would learn to read i u would have seen that i wrote i got laid off and when i get back on my feet i wont have a problem paying it "like a man"

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