EGR Replacement


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 19, 2005
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EGR Replacement on a 2001 Lincoln LS 3.9L
Can someone point me in the right direction on where it is and how i replace it. is there a how to on it anywhere? thanks...
How do you know that it needs to be replaced if you don't know where it is?
i am looking for a how to or a way to remove it and take a look at it. i have many of the symptoms of an egr issue
i dont have the car at home right not its a work. pics on the web look like it right on top is it hard to remove and replace?
cops and plugs all new
its not a rough idle its more of surging at start up once it idles down
any other suggestions would greatly be appreciated
iac in also brand new i have looked for vacuum leak but i will check again. i need some more carb cleaner.

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