A new and weird sound upon full stop

You are the titled owner of the car now. You can get the full Ford service records. Even independent shops (if they subscribe) can get that info from Ford's network.

A full transmission fluid exchange is a good idea (except at a quick lube place), and it doesn't cost an outrageous amount. (Not because of this noise or any other problem. Because you have no transmission problems right now and you want to keep it that way.) You are probably not due on miles, but you are due on time.

How about this (on the noise). Get up to the right speed to start stopping from. Shift into neutral and then stop at the same rate as causes the noise. If there is no noise, then maybe it was engine/transmission/driveline related. If the noise is still there, then probably not engine or transmission.

Appreciate the ideas and comments. I'll give this a try soon...not in traffic as I head home, however! ;-)

There's a reputable transmission shop I'd likely bring it to. Had them do some work on my '87 Cougar a few years ago...and I agree on the fluid change...just hate to mess with anything since the car is bone dry and has no leaks of any kind...but I know I should at least flush it...
Might sounds silly but do also be sure there is absolutely nothing in the trunk rolling or banging around, check the spare tire and anything else that may be down in that area. Never know!
Mine made the chugga-chugga sound the other day, while slowing to go over a speed bump. That's about the speed it happens at, close to stopped, but still moving, slowing down. I did in fact get the trans fluid fully replaced a couple of months ago. It doesn't do it that often and I've long since moved on to other concerns. I also wish I didn't have that half-second lag time when I stomp on the gas to accelerate, but that too has to be forgotten about... : ) I could always get a torquey front-wheel drive import if I want that half-second back. And then I would hate the feel of the front wheel drive and the car payments.

Lately I've been more into exterior work, painting the front grill black, replaced headlights because they were getting too much condensation in them. I sanded, buffed and polished the used replacements until I'm happy with the new look. Those occluded headlights bugged me way worse than the chugga-chugga sound. I can't fix everything but I do what I can.

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