LVC Member
Does anybody know if I can just buy a new fan motor or know where I can get a new cooling fan
Hot is relative, I'd say mine factory stock runs hot even without the AC running if you monitor the temp though forscan cause it gets up to 220 even in Vegas winters but the temp gauge never moves so some consider it normal.O'reilly fan too small, too low rpm... or doesn't fully cover radiator. Probably why running too hot with A/C on.
Yeah I agree with you, I'm getting a different engine put in mind sometime in the next 6 months so I'll see if it changes but other than that the entire cooling system is new besides the heater cores. Previous owner put a bunch of stop leak crap in there so possibly some of my block passages are blocked, 220 is way to fucking hot in the winter with no AC running, I don't care what anybody says, granted Vegas Winters are like 40 to 70° but still, lol220 is to hot mine Ran 195 to 210 with factory fan
All I have left to do to this car is replacing the valve cover gaskets and the thermostat housing in the cooling system while the fan shroud etc... are out and she is done
I didn't have a CEL at the time, I was told a non factory fan would trigger it.Are you sure the CEL is related to the fan?
No leaks while running. upon shutdown the degas bottle fills up to the overflow. I figured that was just the system equalizing so I refrained from topping it off. Still leaving a puddle and cold coolant level is well below 1/2 nowhere near cold full mark. I will repeat the bleed procedure today but I'm fairly sure I have a new problem.