Time to repeal the Second Amendment?

I can use the same circumstantial evidence that you do shag-they aren't readily available, ergo, criminals don't have them.

Logic and basic economics are not "circumstantial evidence".

As to the basic point you are making, see my above post about regulations not working as intended and having the unintended consequence of enabling criminals.
Nope - it is exactly as I framed it - if you allow certain types of weapons to be purchased in certain parts of the country - than criminals throughout the country will have those weapons easily available.
No. You framed it as Texans passing laws that would permit ANYONE to walk into a gun shop and buying fully automatic weapons WITHOUT any kind of background check.

This means, in your hypothetical straw man, that criminals, the mentally ill, and even illegal aliens would be able to walk into the store and walk out with a machine gun.

The way you represent this is significant both to all other hypothetical scenarios that would result and when addressing your own prejudice when it comes to this subject.

If we allow UZIs (or say the people of Texas allows them) to be available for the public to buy - with the same restrictions Texas puts on semi automatic handguns, then they will be in 'circulation'
Yes. And then law abiding citizens who legally purchase them would have them.

And most criminals wouldn't have them because they are big, difficult to conceal, and more expensive.

They could also simply convert a semi-automatic weapon to fully automatic if they were so motivated as well. Those are in circulation.

See - cal - there is no where I state that criminals would be allowed to buy them -
I can understand when you try to weasle out of things you've said in the past, confident that the awful search function on this webpage will discourage anyone from actually looking it up... but to do it with the quote on the same page is awfully bold, don't you think?
To quote you:
"Do you want UZI IMIs to be able to be purchased by just anyone in Texas that has the money with no background check..."

And you framing my argument in this totally wrong (and you know it is wrong cal - you are a bright man) is what is disgusting.
If you keep repeating your lie, foxpaws, someone might believe it.

I don't understand this statement.
You're arguing that gun policies ALLOW criminals to use firearms as well. This is not the case. It does not allow it, meaning it doesn't' permit it. It's not permitted nor should it be accepted. It depends on what definition of allow you want to use, but I think that's a bad choice of word.

And then you didn't read very closely - I very distinctly stated that in my hypothetical case restrictions would be similar for purchasing semi automatic handguns.
And I'll quote you again:
"Do you want UZI IMIs to be able to be purchased by just anyone in Texas that has the money with no background check..."

I in no way stated that the state of Texas would be approving laws that would allow criminals to legally acquire guns. I was very clearly stating that if the guns are out there, then criminals will acquire them, by illegal methods.
"Do you want UZI IMIs to be able to be purchased by just anyone in Texas that has the money with no background check..."

Your continuing to look for labels for me is quite interesting. I know why you do it, but it is still interesting, wrong, but interesting. It is a very lazy way to discuss things. I didn't take you for lazy cal.
Again, when you self-identify yourself as one thing, a very specific thing, an early 20th century progressive, it's interesting how you try to deflect that into an attack on me.

You don't deny your self-identification, you just deflect it and make it about me.

This is really for another thread isn't it cal? This thread is about the 2nd. I advocate that if you eat a ton of salt, end up with a ton of health problems because of it, I shouldn't have to bear the burden of fixing you.

I stay very true to my stands - self responsibility. And if you expect the government to fix you, I expect that you should pay.
This is another one of your statements that ultimately contradict. It absolutely deserves another thread of it's own.

Actually Cal, I am for the death penalty (very un-progressive of me isn't it) -
Not really. The Progressives era brought about the use o cyanide gas and gas chambers as means of carrying out the punishment.

Once again - why would you jump to the conclusion that I wasn't for the death penalty? Oh, that is right - you need to label me, and gosh, of course liberals and progressives aren't for the death penalty.
...cute, but I never made any comment regarding your opinion of capital punishment. But I appreciate your attempt to use that as a tool to appear contrarian to the perception most people may have of progressives... and it was cute how you just lumped your progressiveness with pop-culture junk liberalism.

OK, finally - I egged you to this point - you don't see the 2nd as a door to the people taking up arms and overthrowing the government. I never knew that Cal. Show me where you stated that. That is a line. There are some who think that is a big part of the 2nd amendment - an armed populace being able to overtake the military.

This is an incredible paragraph.
You acknowledge that you've been engaged in a consented effort to drag this conversation and essentially entangle me in some kind of discussion about using the 2nd Amendment to accomplish political goals, and to also dishonestly associate me with such revolutionary sentiment.

Then, after you have been called out for such vile acts, preventing you from maligning me with such imagery and sentiment, you try to reframe it in a way where you attempt to reinforce the attack and force me to defend myself!

You have absolutely NO integrity.

So, do you have other 'lines' regarding the 2nd?

The 2nd Amendment guarantees the citizen the ability to defend their rights. It is DEFENSIVE by nature.
To quote you:
"Do you want UZI IMIs to be able to be purchased by just anyone in Texas that has the money with no background check..."
I did back off that statement and refined it Cal - you change your posts while I am answering them all the time - in this case I, after you questioned it - refined the statement - I did not go back in and re-do my orginal post - like you do all the time.

I looked back and discovered I incorrectly stated what I wanted to convey - I changed that, within the context of a new post.

Can we get beyond this - obviously not.

So - do you think that lines need to be drawn within the context of the 2nd amendment - and what should those lines be?

I have been trying to get this out of you from the very beginning cal - you have finally been giving me some lines -

I was interested in how you view the 2nd - you however had to make it into a weird running around of all sorts of crap -

We are very close on this cal - is that what bothers you? That we might actually share common ground on something? That you then would be tainted somehow by actually having us agree on something?

I would really like to know.

Oh, I love the subtle tie-in with me/progressives/nazis and the final solution - you will stoop to anything won't you Cal?
The 2nd Amendment guarantees the citizen the ability to defend their rights. It is DEFENSIVE by nature.

Another line...

So, do you think that those who use the amendment as a base when they declare that the citizenship needs to be armed well enough to overtake the military are correct?
Same with vehicles, very few 'purposeful' killings with them (except angry wives who run over their cheating husbands with the Mercedes, which I might add is vehicular homicide car of choice when it comes to crazy women.).

I'm new on this site. I was just going to look around but this post was to hilarious to pass up.

Would the Department of Motor vehicles have to deny a Mercedes registration to any married woman or would they be required to look into the infidelity of the woman's husband?
I'm new on this site. I was just going to look around but this post was to hilarious to pass up.

Would the Department of Motor vehicles have to deny a Mercedes registration to any married woman or would they be required to look into the infidelity of the woman's husband?

Hi cBreeze - I don't know - I suppose a special license might be needed.. smile...

it is sort of weird though - I even know a guy that was 'threatened' in this manner by an ex-wife... with a mercedes...

heck - there is a Mercedes commercial that uses infidelity as a basis for the ad - they market them this way, but the fooling around goes both ways... smile....

YouTube - Not in this weather
So guns don't kill people; women who drive a Mercedes with cheating husbands kill people.

There's no point in taking away guns when the streets are already flooded with firearms. While I'm a proponent of stricter and more rigorous screening, repealing the right to purchase guns would be detrimental. That's the problem with a lot of left wing goals, they are just completely unrealistic and represent an idealized altruistic world which isn't possible.
Automatic Weapons

All this 'automatic weapons' argumentation is simply more straw man hot air. Kalashnikov-design firearms are readily available. And they are readily convertible to full-automatic status.

Although the Kalashnikov is a popular drive-by weapon here in Detroit, the birth-place for drive-by, automatic-converted versions are very rarely seen. They're more trouble than they're worth.

A 1911 Colt is made 'automatic' simply by the removal of the disconnecter. This operation takes about one minute. But being small and light, the weapon simply becomes harder to handle.

The entire argument is simply another example of progressive 'feel-good'.

There's no point in taking away guns when the streets are already flooded with firearms. While I'm a proponent of stricter and more rigorous screening, repealing the right to purchase guns would be detrimental. That's the problem with a lot of left wing goals, they are just completely unrealistic and represent an idealized altruistic world which isn't possible.

If the streets are already flooded with firearms, how would you propose screen those that already have them? If they don't pass your stricter screening requirements are you proposing to take the guns away from them?
A 1911 Colt is made 'automatic' simply by the removal of the disconnecter. This operation takes about one minute. But being small and light, the weapon simply becomes harder to handle.

Is there a similar mod that can be made to a Sig Sauer? Would Fox's 20 round Sig cross the defensive line at that point? Is the difference of 10 rounds between the Uzi and the Sig all that different in the first place? What categorizes the Uzi as an offensive weapon while the Sig remains as a defensive weapon? Other than Fox's strained logic that is?
Full Auto Mods

The only 'modern' pistol I own is a little Kahr 9, so I'm no ultimate answerer on the latest stuff. But the way that gun parts work together is such that there'll undoubtedly be a disconnecter, the part that acts on the sear. Although the 1911 is such that the disconnecter is a separate part simply riding in a vertical hole in the grip frame and easy to remove, in some cases a part of the disconnecter must be cut away to make a semi-auto a full automatic. And then it might not be easily exchanged for a whole one.

Undoubtedly a Sig can be made fully automatic. But there's little point to it. A full auto 1911 is almost impossible to control through the discharge of a full magazine and a Sig would be at least as bad.:)

The only 'modern' pistol I own is a little Kahr 9, so I'm no ultimate answerer on the latest stuff. But the way that gun parts work together is such that there'll undoubtedly be a disconnecter, the part that acts on the sear. Although the 1911 is such that the disconnecter is a separate part simply riding in a vertical hole in the grip frame and easy to remove, in some cases a part of the disconnecter must be cut away to make a semi-auto a full automatic. And then it might not be easily exchanged for a whole one.

Undoubtedly a Sig can be made fully automatic. But there's little point to it. A full auto 1911 is almost impossible to control through the discharge of a full magazine and a Sig would be at least as bad.:)


This forum isn't intended to be a version of 'The Anarchist's Cookbook'.


That poorly written book is one thing. Having the AFT look at you real funny is another, Cam. ;)
If the streets are already flooded with firearms, how would you propose screen those that already have them? If they don't pass your stricter screening requirements are you proposing to take the guns away from them?

Borrowing from Science Fiction perhaps the military will develop an energy beam that would cause ammunition to discharge if they paint you or an area you are in with it.
We all liked the idea of airport scanners detonating any explosives someone may be carrying. If this became possible it would sure be a deterrent to carrying firearms. The government could blow you and your firearm up with your own ammunition.
Maybe in a hundred years....
If the streets are already flooded with firearms, how would you propose screen those that already have them? If they don't pass your stricter screening requirements are you proposing to take the guns away from them?

You can't screen the people who own illegal firearms, they own them that way for a reason. As far as the people who already own guns, I'm not sure how that would pan over. In light of recent events I think it'd be beneficial to take a psychological exam before getting a firearm permit. I also propose that your driver's license test should have to be retaken every 5 years. It's plain and simple, the only ones who would complain about such measures would be the ones not qualified in the first place.
One More Time

What part of '...shall not be infringed...' don't you understand? There seems to be a significant groundswell in this country toward recognizing the meaning and import of these words, thank God.

Frog, no reason to look at me. My personal experience comes from inadvertence. Be careful to put the disconnecter back in when you detail-strip a 1911. And it's not a good idea to hard-chrome a sear AFTER doing a trigger job. A three pound trigger pull becomes a 2 pound and then a one pound---as the chrome polishes in. And the next step is that it triples and then goes through a whole magazine. It was necessary to re-stone the mating surfaces to remove the chrome to regain control.

Books are available from a number of sources that give instructions and even dimensioned drawings of the parts necessary to convert a host of firearms to full automatic.

Full automatic is a straw man. Outlawing it's only purpose is feel-good for nitwits.

A 1911 Colt is made 'automatic' simply by the removal of the disconnecter.
That's not really converting it to full auto, it's introducing a malfunction. It's just as likely to result in a misfire as it is in reliable full-auto fire.
Undoubtedly a Sig can be made fully automatic. But there's little point to it. A full auto 1911 is almost impossible to control through the discharge of a full magazine and a Sig would be at least as bad.:)
I would expect so. There's a reason the Beretta 93R has that flip-down grip in front of the trigger guard and an integrated muzzle brake.
A good definition for all the pistol-size SMGs is 'an excellent solution to a non-existent problem'. An Ingram is about the smallest size that makes sense.

Borrowing from Science Fiction perhaps the military will develop an energy beam that would cause ammunition to discharge if they paint you or an area you are in with it.
We all liked the idea of airport scanners detonating any explosives someone may be carrying. If this became possible it would sure be a deterrent to carrying firearms. The government could blow you and your firearm up with your own ammunition.
Maybe in a hundred years....

So your proposal for gun control is a ray gun that will make ammunition explode? :rolleyes:
So your proposal for gun control is a ray gun that will make ammunition explode? :rolleyes:

It's nice how he always presumes he's going to be associated with or aligned with the guys controlling such a "ray gun." Or that a government that can do that will always be freedom loving.

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