Recent content by Mick Jagger

  1. Mick Jagger

    Congratulations go out to Barack

    The recession that began in 2007, not Obama's policies, continues to drive job losses. Contrary to the right wing claim that job losses this year resulted from Obama administration policies, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the trend of increasing unemployment resulting from...
  2. Mick Jagger

    Anatomy of a smear...

    Chickens coming home to roost, bro.
  3. Mick Jagger

    Classic..... OBA MAO !

    I thought Michele Malkin was one of those right wing bozos who believe that anything short of absolute laisse faire is Communism.
  4. Mick Jagger

    Push back hard against news stories that are either inaccurate or unflattering.

    It's my personal estimate. I'm perfectly in tune with the people.
  5. Mick Jagger

    Who controls the media....

    What we have all thought of as a conservative news organization has really morphed itself this year into a 24/7 political operation with a very specific goal. And that is to destroy this presidency, and destroy any sort of progressive policy agenda that the American people voted for in November...
  6. Mick Jagger

    Push back hard against news stories that are either inaccurate or unflattering.

    57% approve of the job the president is doing and the same percentage now want a public option included in the national health care bill.
  7. Mick Jagger

    Who controls the media....

    Why has Faux News invested so much in attacking the White House, when it claims to be a news organization?
  8. Mick Jagger

    Something Liberals don't seem to realize in the healthcare debate...

    You sound like one of those right wing laissez faire whack jobs who equate a little regulation with Communism.
  9. Mick Jagger

    Something Liberals don't seem to realize in the healthcare debate...

    Dude, you said Medical Boards have effectively Nationalized health care by getting each state to enact, "a Medical Practice Act."
  10. Mick Jagger

    Anatomy of a smear...

    Again we see a conservative not taking personal responsibility for his words and deeds.
  11. Mick Jagger

    Something Liberals don't seem to realize in the healthcare debate...

    Dude, concentration of the health insurance market isn't massively regulated.
  12. Mick Jagger

    Something Liberals don't seem to realize in the healthcare debate...

    Explain why you believe State Medical Practice Acts take the health care industry into the public ownership of the state.
  13. Mick Jagger

    President Obama Calls Out The Health Insurance Cartel

    In this case, yes. The health insurance cartel needs to be tamed. Thank you. Just the ones working with the health insurance cartel to maintain their privileged exception from our anti-trust laws and their tyrannical despotic control over who lives and who dies.